Friends of Heene Cemetery Cheque Presentation
Shirley Robinson-Viney, WCC Trustee
It was with great pleasure that I presented the cheque to Friends of Heene Cemetery on Sunday 6th April on behalf of Worthing Community Chest. It had been some time since I had visited this cemetery, and the work this group have done is obvious to see. A memorial garden for those buried but who are unknown, two tree stumps beautifully carved into an owl (with mouse) and a poppy, watch out for the third already planned but not completed yet. Two beehives help the habitat (I’m reliably informed they are friendly bees, but didn’t get too close!) are just a few if the improvements to the site.
The group have a wealth of knowledge about the graves, wildflower management and coppicing. I can certainly recommend a visit to one of their tours or pop along to see if you can help at their working party who meet most Saturdays, weather permitting. Details on the Heene Cemetery Facebook page.
Our new round of funding is already open for applications. Closing date is April 30th.
For further information on our funding programme, please go to our Guidelines and Criteria page, or contact our Grants Administrator (Naomi):