Recycle Your Old Clothes to Support Worthing Groups

by | Oct 9, 2017 | News, Recycling, WCC

You may know that your old clothes can be resold at charity shops but did you know that your clothes that are beyond saving can be recycled? Even better than that, all funds  raised from your recycled clothes and shoes goes to local non-profit groups! If your clothes have seen better days, don’t put them in the bin, put them in one of the textile recycling bins with our logo on it. Worthing Community Chest has12 bins in the borough and all funds raised from the recycling goes back to Worthing non-profits.

Textile recycling is on the up in Worthing, August was a bumper month with the bins being filled more than any other month this year, we are hoping that even more textile bins will be popping up in the next few months. Is there an easier way to reduce waste and support Worthing charities? The locations of the textile bins are on our website.

Last year Worthing Community Chest raised over £14,000 from the textile recycling bins. This helped us to award grants to groups including The Rowland Singers, Blueprint22 and Flipitas Gymnastics Club. Flipitas were awarded a grant of £1,100 to purchase equipment for their disabilities sessions ‘the equipment helps the children improve their skills whilst keeping them safe’ said Lesley Couch, Club Secretary ‘The club is extremely grateful to Worthing Community Chest’

Last year over £25,000 was split between 23 groups, in 2018 could we support your group? We have four rounds of funding every year with our next round closing at the end of January. Are you starting up a new group or does your group need funds to grow, a grant from Worthing Community Chest can be up to £1,500.  You can apply online or call us on 01903 221080 for a chat.

Please help us unlock more funding to enrich the Worthing Community.

We have five ways to Donate.

Image to promote Worthing Community Chest Lottery: Buy a Lottery Ticket – Jackpot £25,000 each week
Textile recycling partnership, Worthing Community Chest and Adur and Worthing Councils
Worthing Community Chest legacy leaflet
Graphic of a heart with a donation tin in it
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