Dad La Soul – Every Picture Tells A Story!
On a cold February afternoon Karl and Martin from Worthing Community Chest went down to the usually calm, sophisticated premises of Colonnade House, renowned for its classy exhibitions and reflective art.
The occasion was the chance to celebrate our award given to Dad La Soul towards play and promotional materials. Well, that was the theory! When we arrived the curtains were up, the noise was up, the energy was up and the fun was up and around the whole building!
The idea was inspired by Dan Flanagan and as the blurb goes “The new Saturday morning club… for dads, stepdads, male carers who want to hang out with their kids, play/learn/teach new skills and make some cool new friends.” We joined the second part of the day, making robots. The results can be seen in the pictures; the activity had everyone involved, just creating and enjoying each other’s company. After an hour we fell out of the building back into that cold winters’ day. But we agreed that we’d had the most fun ever celebrating an award and wish the group every success for the future.
If you are interested in finding out more about the Dad La Soul sessions, click here for more information.
If you are local community group or charity and need support on a project, we may be able to help you. Contact us today!