Autumn Grant Awards from Worthing Community Chest

by | Dec 8, 2023 | Community, Funding, Grant, News, WCC, Worthing

Autumn Funding Round 2023

Autumn grant awards for Worthing projects were decided by Worthing Community Chest’s Appraisal Panel at the end of November.

Independent Awards Process

The Appraisal Panel is a vital part of the WCC’s funding process, providing independence, transparency and fairness. The Panel comprises representatives from groups that have previously received grant funds from Worthing Community Chest. This panel included people from the 2nd Goring Guides, Billy & Beyond CIC, Friends of Whitebeam Wood, South Downs Leisure and Wild Gathering.

Chairing the panel was WCC Trustee Malcolm Brett, while Partnerships & Strategy lead, Vicky Vaughan, provided an insight into the WCC’s new Wills & Legacies fundraising initiative. Presenting the grants under consideration at this panel was the new WCC Grants Administrator, Susan Macmillan.

After the presentation, discussion and voting the Panel awarded grants of up to £1,500 each to four local projects.

New Community Projects for Worthing

Pollinator Pioneers‘ Educational Programme will work with disadvantaged young people/families, those with disabilities and older people in the local community to help create awareness of, and the need to adapt to, future environmental changes. The programme will provide a valuable and fun experience for the participants, promoting their wellbeing and health and contributing to community social cohesion.​

SERV Sussex for conversion of a new “blood bike” to transport emergency blood products, donated breast milk, urgent patient notes and other vital, time-critical items. Their volunteer riders provide a free service to the NHS Community Foundation Trust in Sussex, covering overnight during the week and 24-hrs a day at weekends, bank holidays, and even on Christmas and Boxing Day. This is particularly beneficial to disadvantaged children and their families who may not have access to transport to collect the supplies they need. ​

Tarring Priory Bowls Club for the purchase of new sports kit for their team to play in, promoting the club’s identity and its inclusive membership which is open to all. The funding will allow the club to reduce barriers to membership by subsidising the cost for those who are less able to meet this and having identical standard kit reduce any perceptive discrimination.

Highdown Tower Garden & Pleasure Ground Trust for their project The Art of Highdown which will create a gallery space at the visitors’ centre. This will benefit the local creative community by creating a high profile exhibition space, the Trust by enabling them to develop more sustainable sources of income, and it will offer additional free attractions to visitors to the Gardens. The Trust also plan to allow the visitors’ centre space to be more widely used for events and workshops.

Susan now has the task of informing the successful applicants of their awards “I think this must be one of the most enjoyable parts of this role” she says. “I look forward to passing on the good news and following the progress of these very interesting and varied projects which will benefit the residents of Worthing.”

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