CircusSeen were awarded £1403.00 in 2016 to fund a new sound system and cover room hire. At the end of May the WCC team went along to present them with a cheque and watch the end of term performances.
“It was a real pleasure to be able to present CircusSeen with a cheque and to be able to see the new skills that the young people had learnt. We were treated to a display of poi, acrobatics, hula hooping and staff spinning, all carried out with great aplomb” said Worthing Community Chest Trustee, Melinda Dixon ” Groups such as CircusSeen provide a brilliant opportunity for young people from ages 4 – 18 and also adults in Worthing to come together and do something interesting and active in their spare time. The group not only provides them with fun skills but also with the confidence to present to others. The group had recently demonstrated their circus abilities at Brighton fringe festival and are set to present at Worthing’s Summer of Circus too. Worthing Community Chest was delighted to be able to help them with funds towards their venue hire and sound systems”
“CircusSeen were delighted to perform for members of Worthing Community Chest and the students really enjoyed the cheque presentation” Said Matt Dumbleton from CircusSeen “This grant has secured room costs for our Childrens’ Circus Classes and paid for a wonderful and much needed new Sound System. The team and students’ are very grateful to Worthing Community Chest for their continued, valuable support!”
For more information about Worthing Community Chest grants please take a look at our how to apply page.