Screengrab from Transition Town Worthing Interactive Sustainability Map

Have you an idea to promote Climate Action in Worthing?

Looking ahead to 2024, we are encouraging the Worthing Community to apply for grants to promote Climate Action, which is one of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, also known as the Global Goals.

To help you, we wanted to share Transition Town’s interactive map that’s a snapshot of our community’s climate action efforts to date and helps you to connect the dots of what is already happening locally. Transition Town, Worthing, happens to be one of the amazing groups that Worthing Community Chest has funded, and their interactive map remains a valuable resource for understanding the scope of environmental initiatives undertaken in Worthing. Visit the resources page of the Transition Town Worthing website to get instructions and links to use this excellent map there. 

The map categorises projects into:

  • Health and Happiness
  • Sustainable Water
  • Zero Waste
  • Equity and Local Economy
  • Culture and Community
  • Materials and Products
  • Travel and Transport
  • Local and Sustainable Food
  • Land and Nature
  • Zero Carbon Energy

Why This Interactive Perspective is Important:

  • Context: Provides a baseline of what has been achieved and how far we’ve come in Worthing.
  • Continuity: Helps identify long-term projects and efforts that may still be ongoing.
  • Opportunity for Growth: Highlights areas that may need renewed focus or new initiatives.

Planning Ahead with Past Insights Before proposing a new project or applying for a grant, consider the historical insights offered by this map. Use it as a foundation to:

  • Build on Previous Work: Enhance or expand upon existing projects.
  • Identify New and Collaboration Opportunities: Spot gaps that might have emerged.

To find out more about Transition Town and all its excellent work, please visit their website.